(1999). Book review of Carl Rogers’ Helping System: Journey and substance, by Godfrey T. Barrett-Lennard. In The Person-Centered Journal, 6(2), pp. 178-180.
(2001). Nondirective Client-Centered Therapy with Children. Person-Centered Journal, 8(1), 43-52. Also, a slightly revised version published in the Chicago 2000 ICCCEP Conference book, PCCS Books: Ross-on-Wye, United Kingdom.
(2001). Moon, K.A., Rice, B., & Schneider, C. Stanley W. Standal and the Need for Positive Regard, Chapter 3 in Unconditional Positive Regard, edited by J.D. Bozarth and P. Wilkins, v.3 in the series Rogers’ Therapeutic Conditions: Evolution, theory and practice. PCCS BOOKS: Ross-on-Wye, United Kingdom.
(2002). A Dearth of Suds for Davey: A Therapist’s Thoughts during a Child Therapy Session. Person-Centered Journal, 9(2), 113-139.
(2004). A response to Ellingham’s review of Sommerbeck’s The Client-Centred Therapist in Psychiatric Contexts. Person-Centred Practice, 12(1), 58.
(2005). Nondirective therapist congruence in theory and practice. In B. E. Levitt (Ed.), Embracing nondirectivity: Reassessing person-centered theory and practice in the 21st century (pp. 261-280). Ross-on-Wye, England: PCCS Books.
(2005). Edited and introduced C. Ellinwood's 1959 Chicago Counseling Center Discussion Paper, Some Observations from Work with Parents in a Child Therapy Program. In The Person-Centered Journal, 12(1/2), 31-32.
(2007). Edited and introduced N. J. Raskin's "Dilemmas of Being a Person-Centered Supervisor." In The Person-Centered Journal, 14(1/2), p. 4.
(2007). A client-centered review of Rogers with Gloria. Journal of Counseling and Development, 85(3), 277-285.
(2008). An essay on children, evil and the actualizing tendency. In B. Levitt (Ed.), Reflections on Human Potential (pp. 203-214). Ross on Wye: PCCS Books.
(2008). Bozarth, J. D. & Moon, K. A. Client-centered therapy and the gender issue. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 7(2), 110-119.
(2008). Co-edited with F. Ducroux-Biass the article by B. Brodley,"Role du focusing dans la thérapie centre sur la personne". Approche Centrée sur la Personne, No. 7.
(2009). Moon, K. A. & Rice, B. A. Review of Howard Kirschenbaum: The Life and Work of Carl Rogers. In Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 8(2), pp. 166-168.
(2009). Book review of Living with “The Gloria Films”: A daughter’s memory by Pamela J.Burry. The Humanistic Psychologist, 37(3), 287-291.
(2011). Moon, K. A., Witty, M., Grant, B., & Rice, B. (Eds.). Practicing client-centered therapy: Selected writings of Barbara Temaner Brodley. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
(2011). Nathaniel J. Raskin: Encounters in groups and in his writings. The Person-Centered Journal, 18(1-2), 3-20.
(2012). Review of Psychotherapy and the Fully Functioning Person by Jules Seeman. The Person-Centered Journal, 19(1-2), 182-190.
(2012). Moon, K. A. & Rice, B. The nondirective attitude in client-centered practice: A few questions. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 11(4), 289-303.
(2013). Book review of Thinking about Suicide by David Webb. The Person-Centered Journal, 20(1-2), 104-106.
(2014). Book review of Carl Rogers: The China Diary, edited by Jeffrey Cornelius-White. The Person-Centered Journal, 21, 83-88.
(2015). Review of Person-Centered Communication: Theory skills and practice by Renata Motschnig and Ladislav Nykl. Person-Centered Journal, 22(1-2), 131-134.
(2015). Review of The Human Being Fully Alive: Writings in celebration of Brian Thorne – Sometimes this atheist calls it courage (book edited by Jeff Leonardi). Person-Centered Journal, 22(1-2), 147-156.
(2016). Moon, K. and Rice, B. Abolishing the Separate Business Meeting at ADPCA. Renaissance, 33(1), 12.
(2016). Moon, K. Review of Therapy and the Counter Tradition, edited by M. Bazzano and J. Webb. Person-Centered Journal, 23(1-2), 98-101.
(2018). Rice, B. & Moon, K. Client-centered: An ethical therapy. In Re-visioning Person-Centred Therapy. (pp. 128-136). New York: Routledge.
(2018). A client-centered commentary on Lietaer and Gundrum’s verbal response modes, Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, DOI: 10.1080/14779757.2018.1544094
(2019). Pildes, S. & Moon, K. “I Didn’t Know You Felt That Way”: The Practice of Client-Centered Couple and Family Therapy . The Person-Centered Journal, 24(1-2), 15-24.
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